
Tuesday, September 13, 2016

September 11 attacks! What triggered terrorists to plan it? Did negative motivation embark on their minds?


September 11 comes every year and reminds us of a brutal attack on World Trade Centre in the year 2001. Till now many theories, thesis, and research papers have been released to find out what triggers negative personalities to commit such awful deeds. They cause more damage than they think of causing to us. Let’s dig deeper and do some analysis.

Forget body, it just minds. 

The type of motivation which terrorists carry, prepare them mentally strong and bold enough to take big decisions. Master of a body is mind. They conquer the  master and rule over the body. Extended exercises, push-up, shooting practices, airlifting, martial arts and other strength building training they take to build their reloaded body-machine. But question is, had you taken all these pieces of training and achieved the same personality, Could you take the same steps even after getting into the influence of their master’s mind?


I hope this is what you said. But they do it, so what is the reason?

A terrorist's heart is cloaked, love is alien, peace is hell.  

When these culprits planned September 11 attack, they had completely lost the feeling of soft touch, love, and peace. The only thing was the mind that too working under guidance and influence of master. The debatable thing is whether they never fell in love, felt the soft touch of a baby, never breathed air that smelt life. Had they had their life partner and family, surely they couldn’t have done this? But the shocking fact is that almost all terrorists have the family, children and good experiences of life, love, and lust. But still, they are not fearful of committing such crimes and losing what they have. We still do not have the answer.

Did Negative motivation trigger September 11 attack? 

Negative motivation works on the base of negative feelings and thoughts. Negative feelings like fear, anger, hatred etc trigger a person and give extraordinary strength and motivation to do anything. This ‘anything’ can have positive or negative outcomes. But negatively motivated persons never mind the cause, they just focus on the outcome which they want. Terrorists have immense hatred, anger, and distress that make them semi-blind and they only see what they want to see.

Vengeance! This what they often seek for and always practice those things which help them attain it.

The spiritual cause behind the occurrence of terrorism and hatred in the world

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According to Spiritual Science Research & Foundation, the spiritual root cause is also a significant factor for the occurrence of  9/11 terrorist attacks and similar activities on earth. Spiritual research reveals that human factors contribute 70% among the causes of the destruction of our Earth and rest 30% are spiritual.

If you are an atheist, it is not a problem for you but it will surely release free energy that will boost up negativism.

Social Factors and Education 

Many famous terrorists are from good society and highly educated. Some even post graduate and reached to a high standard of qualification. And they left their study or job and joined a group of militants. Today they are doing a phenomenal job to ruin the world’s peace and security. Now the question is why education, social values, and even moral ethics couldn't teach them. We have several assumptions, hypothetical views, and clues. But what is actual nobody knows. 

Motivational Takeaway 

If the world has to die today, today is not the end. People will remain on earth even if the earth blasts. Watch the mars - the next destination of ours. 

That said, we got to have a positive attitude for our love, life, and society. Stick only to good thoughts which you have. Let the evil have their mindset with themselves only. Their wrong intentions never going to flourish. If we unite as a whole and live with integrity. We will never let a second 9/11 happen.



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